Friday, July 10, 2009

Images of the Nativity, will be gathered into several small collections linked to the right.

The paper lace engraving shown here is from Mason Basset, Paris 1848. One detail we love is the inclusion of the ox. It was a tradition to take as one's own the role of one of the creatures in the nativity. The role of the ox was to warm the cold members of the body of Christ. At one level, that is simply to breath on the Child in the crib. At another, it is to warm the coldness of those members of the Body of Christ who have lost their fervor. I think the artist sees himself in this role when he brings us this beautiful image of the Nativity.
Scroll down to see more images of the role of the ox
followed by a sampling of cards from the smaller collections.
Click arrow above to hear "O, Come All Ye Faithful".